hello my beauties!!!
I'm sorry I haven't posted for awhile. I don't know what's going on with me. Can't sleep at night & it's catching up with me. I'm useless all day!
I have posted a few new videos on youtube this week.....henna art, haunted art journal & possiblilty art journal. I also got a wild hair this last weekend & decided to make my own art journal. I love my moleskine but I have this problem where I think I can always make everything on my own when really you can purchase a perfectly good journal for less money than I spent making one. yeh......it's an illness!
So, I made the MOTHER of all art journals it's almost 3" thick with super thick pages. now that it is finished I'm all hot & bothered to do art in it but realized why journals don't usually come this big.......get into the middle of the book & the pages on both sides don't like to lay flat very well. So I'm going to have to be creative & sweet talk it a little bit when I get into those middle pages & get them to lay down. LOL! I'm making a video of it tonite & will let you all know when it is posted to youtube. Have a wonderful night & don't forget..... Make art & live happy!!!