Thursday, August 12, 2010

Digi Stamps!!!!!

I'm so excited to share a little insider info.......I've decided to put together a line of digi stamps. As many of you know, I had my own line of rubber stamps many years ago. So, I've decided to use some of my older designs & add tons of new ones with them :) Isn't that too cool!?!?!? I'm very excited that I can bring back the designs & papercrafting galleries of finished projects to share with you all. I love designing & card making so this is a way I can do it all in a format that I can handle with my busy life as mommy! Each digi stamp group will have many coordinating images & phrases or quotes to go with them as well as a special file of finished projects I've made with them. They will be in jpg format so they can each be resized to match your unique project! As before with my red rubber stamps, I will continue being an "angel" company so you will be able to create finished projects for sale. I love encouraging the artist in us all & it's nice to be able to make a little $$ on the side to support our crafting habits! If anyone has any questions or ideas for me I would love to hear them all. Maybe those of you that have experience using digital stamps have ideas of things you would like to see available as far as different file formats, galleries, patterns, etc......I would love to hear from you!
so....... keep your eyes peeled for "Dilly Beans" digi stamps to come soon!!!!!


  1. Thats a great idea, I look forward to seeing your stamps. Will they be available through a photoshop brush?

  2. I honestly know so very little about photoshop maybe you can help me :) what kind of file format do they need to be in? I was thinking of just jpeg but I'm open to suggestions :)

  3. I am SOOO happy you creating digi stamps! I was going to ask to please do them. I love your work!

  4. I'm working on them now & my goal is to have the first set ready in about a week. I will be posting them on ebay on cd but I will have some freebies available here for my followers :)
