Saturday, July 2, 2011

new paintings

Today has been quite productive so far. I don't know where this little burst of energy came from but I'm glad to have it! I swear I folded about 10 loads of laundry & washed a thousand dishes! Then I ran to the store & bought some groceries for the weekend. Had to rush through the chip isle to grab one of the last bags of salt & vinigar chips (yum! My favorite with cottage cheese) Looks like everyone is having BBQ and chips. The shelves were almost empty! Bought the new Red Riding Hood movie. So we are lounging around now watching the movies & I finished two 5x7 paintings I had started about a week ago. I'm on a roll!!! I might pull out my art journal in a little while :) Happy Saturday everyone!!!


  1. I'm a HUGE fan of your artwork! I first discovered your ATCs last year and have been addicted ever since. You also inspired me to start my own blog. Do you think you can check it out and let me know what you think? I greatly appreciate it!

  2. Hi Megan! I just stumbled on your YouTube videos, and read there how you suggested Acrylic Glazing Liquid.. a "MUST HAVE". So I went to the Blue Moon Scrapbooking webpage:

    and still am not sure WHICH to buy???... the slow drying satin, or the liquid gloss?

    I am just starting my first junk/art journal, and am REALLY excited about it! I haven't sketched, just for MYSELF, since I was a kid (Trust me... It's been a while!) At the moment, I'm waiting FEVERISHLY for my UPS man to bring me my first ever jar of GESSO, along with some watercolor pencils and crayons! While I'm sure my journal will still consist of a fair number of fancy-schmancy purchased papers and elements, I'm more excited about the images and backgrounds that I hope to make MYSELF!! Thanks for sharing all that you do! ~tina

  3. Do you teach any online classes or workshops? If not, do you think you will in the future? I LOVE your work and would really like to take a class from you!

  4. Обожаю ваше творчество!!! Вдохновляюсь вашими работами:

